
Aliaksandra Yakubouskaya

Unvoiced Territories


Audio-visual installation, 6 sound channels (projection, 6 speakers, soil, flax fiber, ropes)

Through audio-visual installation based on the choir of artificial intelligence and belarusan traditional voices are groping the in-between spaces that represent invisible perspectives and register the dislocated, excluded, suppressed voices of belarusan society, leading to the migration. Using the intersubjectivity of voice, the space is created were different entities listen to each other, communicating their languages in a duet of call and response. As movement it passes through and out of individual bodies, as well as between bodies, spaces, borders and encycle them, while tracing. From the present to its representation, from "real time" to deferred time, from the livable to the (in)animate in digital spaces, 2022-2023.                @alyakubouskaya
video from installation