
photos by Fang Tsai
Fang Tsai 


– The Unreachable – 

In German, the term "Fernweh" describes a longing to visit faraway places, a "Weh" (pain) towards the “Fern”(distant). However, it also suggests a desire to escape the desert of the familiar surroundings. To emphasize this yearning to depart, I introduce the term "Nahweh" to describe the pain of being too close to the familiar.

In the age of the internet, we can easily view images of far-off locations with just a few clicks, such as through Google Street View. Yet, these digital representations offer only limited information about the space and an incomplete imitation of the actual experience.

"Nahweh: the Unreachable" is a project that explores this yearning for distant places by using screenshots from Google Street View as a dataset. The project uses NeRF rendering to generate a series of semi-abstract 3D spaces that are displayed on a window facing the street. This display invites pedestrians to interact with the spaces and offers a window into a reachable, yet unreachable, space.